12 Pencils 
Packaging Design
Client: 12 Pencils
Date: September 2022
Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator
This project managed during the fall of 2022. Its primary objective was to delve into a specific graphic design movement, my selection was focusing on the Swiss Style that was prominent during the 1950s. The task entailed crafting a logo befitting the aesthetics of this design era to headline a box containing a set of 12 pencils, alongside designing and building the packaging for the said pencil ensemble. The prescribed criteria necessitated the inclusion of a distinct logo, the text ‘12 pencils,’ and type and design that explained the style. The discretion to determine the form and shape of the pencil box rested with me. The logo design and the packaging for the pencil box was made with meticulous attention to detail and staying true to the principles of the Swiss Style.
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