Theater Poster Design
Posters and Marquees
CLIENT: CPP Theater Department
Dates: March - May 2023
PROGRAMS: Photoshop, Illustrator 

This project involved the development of a series of poster designs for the CPP theater department, spanning three distinct playwrights over a duration of three months. Each poster was meticulously crafted to encapsulate the thematic essence and narrative intricacies of its respective play.
Individual Designs
The first poster of the series utilized monopoly houses as symbolic representations, effectively illustrating the socioeconomic disparities between the main characters. For the second poster, the theme of student-written productions was portrayed through a compelling visual of a person falling asleep at a computer, accompanied by a cleverly misspelled title, capturing the essence of creative exhaustion and the pursuit of artistic expression. In the third poster, a poignant narrative was conveyed through the juxtaposition of a sword and a rosary, symbolizing the journey of a convent escapee who assumed a male identity, participated in warfare, and ultimately attained societal recognition and acceptance. The final poster in the series employed a strand of papel picado to symbolize pivotal elements of the storyline, offering a visually striking representation of the play’s thematic depth.​​​​​​​

Throughout the series, careful consideration was given to ensuring alignment with the overarching vision of the theater department, resulting in a cohesive and impactful presentation of diverse theatrical narratives.
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